Buckhorn Plantain

Basic Information.

Buckhorn plantain is a slender fibrous rooted perennial. The leaves develop in a basal rosette. They are long slender leafs approximately one inch across. The leaves have distinctive parallel venation.

The main growth period for buckhorn plantain is from June through September.

The seed heads are cylindrical spikes found at the tip of erect, leafless stalks which are 4 - 12 inches long. The stalks can be hard to cut with mowers. Buckhorn plantain spreads by seeds and shoots from the roots.

Buckhorn Plantain

Buckhorn Plantain location.

Buckhorn Plantain is found throughout the United States.

Cultural Practices.

Buckhorn plantain can be mechanically or physically removed. Care should be taken to assure that roots are thoroughly removed. Close mowing prevents seed head formation and helps to prevent spread. Good insect and disease control will help to prevent the open spaces that broadleaf plantain will fill. Good fertility and proper soil pH will help to prevent infestations. Soil testing which reveals high pH levels should be acidified, to a pH level of 6.5 to 7.

Herbicide usage.

Apply a selective broadleaf herbicide in mid-spring after seed germination in the rosette to flower stage or in the fall when active growth has resumed.