Lawn fungus prevention and treatment

No matter how lush and beautiful a lawn happens to be, it will inevitably have problems of some type at sometime during its existence. One of these problems might be the presence of any number of different fungi which can invade even the healthiest of lawns. To prevent fungus from getting started is the best manner of lawn fungus treatment, but is not always possible. To prevent fungus growth, the lawn needs a good balance of its soil, water, and nutrients, or a problem could arise.

Depending on the amount of water and the climate where a lawn is located, there are several different kinds of fungus that might invade a lawn. Among these are mildew, mushrooms, fairy rings, dollar spots, snow mold, brown patch, rust and grease spot. Mildew is frequently found in shady areas. Dollar spots, brown patch and grease spot are likely to be found in humid climates. In areas where there is morning shade and low soil fertility, rust is a common type of fungus, and fairy rings can be found in almost any lawn and climate.

Patches of red, yellow, or orange can indicate that a fungus is present. Also, grass tipped with brown that eventually spreads down the entire blade of grass is an indicator of fungus moving into a lawn. Regardless of what kind of fungus invades a lawn, it is a well known fact that it can take over the whole yard area, robbing it of much needed moisture and nutrients. There are, however, courses of action and lawn fungus treatment that can be taken to prevent fungus from spreading throughout.

After winter is over, or during the fall months are the times when fungus is most apt to develop. If there is a spot that is shaded and does not allow snow to melt, this is an ideal place for fungus to get a start. Snow should be removed from these spots and the lawn should be kept relatively dry, if possible. Watering should be done in the morning so that the lawn will have a chance to dry in the sunshine throughout the rest of the day.

Fungus can be killed with an array of different products. Baking powder mixed with water can be sprayed over an infected area and the baking powder will act as a neutralizer to eradicate the fungus. Plain corn meal is another natural ingredient that will accomplish the same result. Before using any product, natural or otherwise, it should be determined which kind of fungus is present and which product would be best used as a lawn fungus treatment.


Another important part of lawn fungus treatment is to make sure the soil and grass has enough nitrogen present. Too much, or too little nitrogen can cause problems with allowing fungus to grow. The right fertilizers should be used in the correct amounts to make certain that a lawn receives the most beneficial amount of nitrogen and other elements.

If you think your lawn is being destroyed by a fungus, call Lego Services today for a FREE analysis.